
Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see which iPhone I have?
Go to “Settings” / “General” / “About” and check the “Model Name” on that page.

Are the reading glasses comfortable?
Yes, they are very light, unisex and fit all different faces.

Are the reading glasses durable?
Yes, the material is TR 90, a very flexible and durable Swiss high-end polyamide made for sports glasses. It is the best resin for eyewear you can get.

How fast will my read on arrive?
Read on is shipped by Amazon logistics using “2 business day shipping” where available. In some areas Amazon only offers “3-5 business day” shipping. In most cases your read on will reach you within about a week. It can take slightly longer during peak times and due to current logistics challenges.

More Questions?
Email us at We are happy to help.